Our Heavenly Father Will Give Blessings To Those Who Ask Him
Ask, and you will receive. Remember that you are a child of God. If your earthly father wants to provide you with good gifts, how much more your Heavenly Father. You just have to ask and increase your faith. He will bless you with good things in life. Don’t worry about what will happen next. As long as you know how to ask for some help, you will always be safe in His hands. God cares for you. He loves you so much, and He will never abandon you. Treat Him as your loving Father, and you will learn to depend on Him more than you rely on your own knowledge and understanding. God will never hinder the good things to happen in your life simply because He wants you to experience His goodness.
Do not be afraid to ask. Sometimes, we think that God will not answer us because we committed a lot of mistakes. But then, God is your Father. No matter how bad you think you are, He will still provide you with enough blessings. So never hesitate to ask for some help. Share to Him the desires of your heart and have faith that He will provide it for you in His perfect timing. God doesn’t stop doing good things the moment we commit mistakes. He still gives us air to breathe, food to eat, and enough shelter. Even though we sometimes disappoint Him, God still allowed the sun to shine for all of us. And what He did simply means that He loves us so much.
It takes a humble heart for us to learn how to ask from God. Stop relying on your own strength. Maybe you feel disappointed because you once asked something from God, but then you never received it. That’s why you stopped asking for some help because you think that God is not listening. Yes, there are times when God doesn’t give us the kind of answer that we expect to receive, but we still need to trust Him. Maybe He wants to give us something better. And it’s the kind of blessing that our mind can’t easily perceive.
This is the reason why we need to open our hearts to the ways of God. Allow Him to reign inside and learn to have faith in Him even if we can’t see anything. Continue to ask for some help because God is not deaf nor blind. He listens to your cries, and above all else, He knows what can truly satisfy your heart.

Markalvin Reyes
Every day your message is encouraging us than you and God bless
your words rise me up everyday