
Our Journey With God Is More Than A Reward

Our relationship with God
is more than what this world can offer
His love is greater than our pain
And His grace is powerful than our sins

We may think that we are not that special
But in the eyes of God,
we are very important
So treasure Him in your life

Don’t you know that as long as God is in your heart
You are already one of the wealthiest people on earth
Not according to earthly standards
But in the eyes of God,
You already have everything
Simply because He is with you

The love that you receive from the people around you
can never satisfy your heart
Only His love can heal the pain inside
So lift up everything to Him

Enjoy every adventure you have with God
Rejoice in every breakthrough you experience with Him
Never forget those times when you feel His presence
Recall those moments when you first encounter His love
Those kinds of memories make everything worth living

Our life here on earth is more meaningful
If we learn to offer it to God
One day, when you look back
You will see the hands of God carrying you all this time
You will realize that being with Him is all that you need
And your dreams are nothing
If you don’t go through the process with Him

Each moment you have here on earth is a blessing
It is a beautiful gift from Heaven
So spend it with things
that are worth fighting for in the end

Let the love of God guide you
Let Him teach you how to embrace
the uncertainties of this life
Then wait for that day
when you can finally say this to God:

 “Everything is worth it,
because you are always me with all this time.”

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