Overthinking about your Future will Ruin your Present
Everything is going to be okay. That’s why stop overthinking about what will happen next. Remember that God promised in His words that He will never leave you nor forsake you. When you keep on worrying about your future, you will miss the great blessings that He gave to you in the present. You will fail to treasure every opportunity that comes your way because instead of being grateful for what you have, you keep on thinking about what you wanted to happen next. Look at the blessings in front of you and know that God will continue to provide for your needs. You don’t have to worry because God already prepared everything.
Learn to deal with things one at a time. Manage what you can control right now and let go of those things that you can’t handle. Let God take over and just acknowledge the truth that you can’t do everything on your own. Wait and be patient. He is still preparing you so that you will be able to properly steward the blessings that He wants you to receive. The best you can do is take good care of the blessings that God entrusted you in the present. Learn to maximize what you have and make sure that you use whatever He gave you. Grow in His presence. Develop your talents and skills. Make the most of the resources that God entrusted to you.
Treasure your present because what you do today will determine your future. If you learn to be faithful with what you have right now, then God will bless you even more. Stop thinking about your future. Learn to look at what’s in front of you and use what you have to glorify God. Do not wait for great things to happen. Sometimes, the answers to your prayers start in small and simple things. Your future will always be great as long as you learn to value your present. Remember that your time here on earth is too short. Do not waste it by overthinking about your future. You still have a life to live. And now is the time for you to treasure every blessing that you have.
Surrender all your worries to God. Share to Him every negative thing that’s bothering you. Pour out what you feel to your loving Father, and He will always listen to you. Do not carry everything on your shoulders. Remember that God is your partner, and He will always be there to hold your hands along the journey. He will never let go. Just stay with Him, and you will experience that kind of life that is full of adventure. Yes, there will be challenges and problems. But the love of God is powerful enough to assure you that everything will be alright.

Riza Gegremosa
Knowing GOD and having a relationship with HIM is the most beautiful thing happened in my life.
Amen.. Inspirational words