Self Development

Pain will make you Forget who you Truly are on the Inside

There are really moments when we experience pain in life. And most of the time, it will make you forget your true identity in the Lord. When you just can’t help but get affected by your situation, you will fail to see the goodness of God, and somehow, you will be consumed with too much bitterness that you no longer have the eagerness to do good things for the people around you. Instead of listening to God, the pain will hinder you from trusting in His voice, and you will find yourself inflicting the same pain to other people. That’s why, if you are still wounded inside, you need to remember God and depend on His great love so that you will never forget who you are in His eyes.

Pain is like a thick wall that will hinder you from appreciating the blessings you received from God. If you just deal with it on your own, you will get tired and feel hopeless. Never allow your emotions to hinder you from experiencing the fullness of this life. Remember that you can never turn back time. It may be hard for you to move on, but surrender all your pain to God, and He will take good care of you. Learn to release forgiveness and know that God prepared a wonderful future for you. There is still hope in your life. You may not see it in your situation right now, but soon you will experience peace and joy.

Let God heal your heart. You can’t do this on your own. You need the perfect love of God to heal you. When you choose to receive His love, you will begin to see a better perspective. He will teach you how to forgive. He may not change your past, but He will let you see the blessings behind the pain that you experienced. He will open your heart so that you will appreciate His hands. God’s love will replace the pain with His amazing peace. And when you encounter Him in your life, you will be reminded about who you truly are in His eyes.

Focus on His blessings. Set your eyes on things that you can’t see. Acknowledge your emotion but never allow your pain to control your actions. Seek the will of God and follow His ways even if you feel so broken. One day, you will realize that calling upon His name is always the best decision that you can make in dealing with your pain. God will help you, and He will give you the courage to release forgiveness so that you will no longer carry the burden on your own.

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