Pay Attention To Those People Who Honor God Despite Of The Hardships
We are surrounded by many people who can either influence us to think of the positive things or just focus on our problems. Who you surround yourself with affects your perspective and the way you deal with your life. This is the reason why you need to pay attention to those people who choose to honor the name of God even in the midst of hardships because you can learn many things from them. They will remind you to increase your faith, and they will inspire you to keep on going. Choose to listen to their advice because they will help you see better things in life. The lessons that they learned are so valuable, and they can share them with you as long as you are willing to listen and pay attention to their faith.
Stop focusing on things that will just destroy you in the end. Sometimes, you keep on thinking of the negative things because you allowed your mind to be filled with unnecessary information that will just create doubts and confusion. Focus on the important things that will make you grow as a person. Stop putting your energy into certain issues that you can’t even control. Look closely at the blessings around you. If you wanted your relationship with God to grow, then stop looking at your problems. Instead, fill your mind with a heavenly perspective that will change you from the inside out.
Choose to learn from other people. Appreciate their experiences because it will help you realize so many things. The best way for you to learn is not just to go through the hardships but simply listen to those people who already experienced so many things. Find out the reason why they remain steadfast in their faith. Ask questions and listen to how they overcome their problems. Keep the lessons in your heart, and one day, you will be able to apply all of them. Focus on those people who can give you insights that will help your faith grow stronger in the Lord.
Pay attention to the things that will bless your soul. Avoid exposing yourself to the information that will just pull you down. Listen to the inspiring words of God and learn from others. Do not just focus on the things that will only entertain you. Try to feed your soul with God’s revelation and listen to other people’s testimonies so that you will be reminded about the great things that God can do in your life.

Amen..so true❤
Golden chidavaenzi
Amen true