Peace Comes In When You Feel Contented With God’s Blessings
Sometimes, you feel so anxious about the future because you fail to see the blessings around you. Peace is nowhere to be found because you keep on thinking about what you don’t have. Learn to open your eyes and look at the wonderful blessings in your life. Be content with what God has given you. Cherish your season right now because it will never come back. Everything will change, and what will remain are the good memories and the lessons that you will learn from your experiences. You can never turn back the time. While you are still breathing, learn to appreciate what God provided for you. Your future lies in the way you live in the present. If you can’t be grateful right now, then there’s a possibility that you will also fail to treasure the blessings that God prepared for you.
Contentment is like a precious gift from God. Only Him can make you feel so satisfied that you will no longer seek something else to quench the thirst you have inside. If you seek your satisfaction in His arms, the struggles around you can never break your heart because you know in yourself that no matter what happens, God will always pick you up, and His love alone is more than enough for you to stand and fight again. You will not be easily tempted as long as you choose to protect your heart with His love. He is all you need.
Being content doesn’t mean you will stop working for the desires that God planted in your heart. It simply means that whatever happens for tomorrow, you are pretty sure that your heart will be at peace because you already find true happiness. You never depend your satisfaction according to the things that you will achieve, but you know that you already have everything even before you receive the blessings that God prepared for you. The satisfaction you feel inside gives you the assurance that no matter how difficult life may be, you will always find rest in the arms of God.
The peace of God will consume your heart as long as you learn to treasure the blessings that He poured out for you. If you can’t see it now, then ask God to open the eyes of your heart so that you will be able to maximize the resources that He already provided for you. Pray for wisdom so that you will know how to handle what He gives. And above all, be contented in His presence, and you will never be tempted to reach for the things that will just destroy you in the end.