Peace Is Available As Long As We Are Willing To Trust And Surrender
The night before Herod was to bring him to trial, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and sentries stood guard at the entrance.
Acts 12: 6, NIV
Peter was arrested after King Herod killed James. This was the night before Herod would bring him to trial. This means that this night could be Peter’s last night before his death. He only had hours to live. If you were in Peter’s situation, What would you feel? If you happen to realize that tomorrow is going to be your last day on earth, what would you do?
Most of us would’ve probably done something apart from sleeping. Perhaps we would try to negotiate with God or worry about our loved ones. But then, it seemed like Peter felt so much peace inside that he still managed to sleep despite the threat and the danger he was facing. Maybe his faith led him to trust in God and surrender his life. Peter wasn’t disturbed or shaken. He wasn’t that anxious since he still managed to pause and take some rest. He slept as if nothing bad happened to him.
This is a powerful reminder for us to trust God, just like what Peter did. We may go through so many heartbreaking moments and challenging situations, but may we learn to receive God’s peace along the process. May we believe with all our hearts that God will move and there’s nothing that we should worry about. Let’s imitate Peter’s faith in this particular moment. May we learn to rest in God’s arms and sleep with His promises in our hearts.
It’s not easy to overcome our anxious thoughts. But the good news is, there are stories in the bible that prove to us that it is still possible to sleep even in life-threatening situations. There are characters in the bible that would remind us that peace is a choice. It’s something that we need to receive from God. It’s always available as long as we are willing to trust and surrender.
Prayer: Father God, thank you for giving us the kind of peace that surpasses all understanding. Thank you for teaching us how to trust in you especially when we feel so burdened and troubled. We pray for a faith like Peter that’s willing to surrender our worries and cares in your presence. Give us the courage to let go of the things we can’t control, and teach us how to surrender. This we ask and pray. In Jesus’ name, amen.