Please Don’t Forget That You Are A Good Person
God made all of us. And I believe everything that He created is good, and that includes you. So don’t forget that there is goodness inside of you. People may not see it, but God sees your heart, and He knows everything that’s going on deep within. Please don’t forget your identity in the Lord. This life may give you many challenges that will test your character, but nothing can change the way God sees you. Remember that you are His child, and you are precious in His eyes.
Believe with all your heart that you are a good person. You may see yourself differently because you are thinking of your sins and your past mistakes. But God doesn’t focus on your failures. Instead, He looks at the story behind all your actions. God understands your heart, and you matter to Him. So please don’t treat yourself as if you are a terrible person because you are not. There is a beautiful treasure inside of you that you haven’t discovered yet. So try to dig deeper and see for yourself the beauty of God’s masterpiece.
You are just surrounded by many challenges. That’s why your mind and heart are full of negative thoughts. You fail to believe that you can still do something good in life because you focus on the problems in front of you. And maybe nobody really gives you the chance to do the right thing because people tend to judge you first before they even care to listen. But even though you feel like they misinterpret your actions, just keep on doing the right thing. Because God is watching you, and He truly appreciates everything that you are doing.
I know that you don’t intentionally want to hurt somebody. It’s just the emotions you feel are trying to consume you on the inside. That’s why you fail to control yourself. But even though the people around you feel so disappointed with your actions, you still need to give yourself the chance to make things right. Don’t condemn yourself and believe with all your heart that you are not that bad. Surrender the negative feelings you have to God and let Him transform you into a better person. There is still hope for you. If you could only realize the great things God placed in your heart, you will possibly stop punishing yourself for the wrong things you committed.

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