
Pleasing God

You can never please everyone
Everyone has different perspectives
Everyone understands differently
All live with different standards

Some treat wealth as success
Some respects through status
Others build their faith in themselves
Everyone just thinks differently

Pleasing people can pull you down
If your life is for what they want
You will leave yourself behind
And will forget who you really are

So it’s time for you to wake up
Not everyone can save you from pain
Only God can fill out the hole
He is the one who can always help you

Instead of listening to this world
Choose to focus on God
Let everything you do please Him
Because in Him is your real identity

Remember that He created you
He knows your heart’s state
So you better trust Him for everything
More than you rely on yourself

Set your eyes on His love
You are already surrounded by it
You are a child of God
You have great potential deep within

So listen to the voice of God
For He knows everything
Choose to please His name
And your life will never be wasted