
Pray that God will give you the Courage to Accept the Lessons Behind your Pain

Sometimes, the truth hurts. No matter how much you try to walk away from the reality that you are living in, God will still allow things to happen just for you to wake up and face your problems. Running away from the struggles won’t help you. You need to learn how to accept the painful truths in life. And it’s not that God wants to punish or destroy you. He just wants you to experience the fullness of what He prepared. And usually, it starts by refining your soul, then pruning the unfruitful branches in your life, and purifying your heart. The process is not easy. Many times, you will feel so broken and in pain. It hurts because God is taking away certain foundations that you somehow treat as important. But in His eyes, those things will destroy you in the end. You will figure things out when you learn to humbly accept the lessons behind all the pain.

You are safe in God’s arms. It doesn’t mean that you won’t experience pain. There will be struggles along the way, but God won’t allow the brokenness to fully destroy your soul. Instead, He will use them to strengthen and help you grow into a better person. You won’t appreciate His ways if you are still in the middle of the storm. Sometimes, there will be seasons when you can’t help but question His plans. But even if you can’t understand what He is doing, humbly walk along His path because you will soon find the light. He is slowly opening your eyes to the reality you must deal with. After that process, you will then learn how to handle yourself.

Let the pain purify your soul. Let your tears wash away all the impurities in your heart. This is the perfect moment for you to learn what it means to surrender. This is the time for you to encounter the unfailing love of God, and you can only receive Him if you humble yourself in His presence. Continue to seek His words, and He will speak to you. Hold His hands, for He is teaching you how to abide in Him. Better days are coming. One day, when you look back to your past, you will see the precious hands of God. When you recall what happened, you will then appreciate the miracles that He did behind the scenes.

God will give you the courage that you need. You will learn your lesson if you depend on His instructions. Don’t follow your own understanding. Don’t allow your emotions to fully consume you. Acknowledge God’s sovereignty in your life. And only then will you slowly see the treasures that He is forming amid the pain. Just keep on praying. Ask God to give you the faith to believe that brighter days are coming. Pray that you will learn to receive the courage that you need.

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