
Prayer can change your Anxious Heart

If you feel so worried and helpless right now, then talk to God and share with Him everything. Your prayers can give you peace and assurance that you will be okay. Things may appear so blurry, but know that God will show you the light. Sometimes, we feel so anxious because we try to manage the things that we can’t control. We wanted to change everything instantly, and we feel so frustrated every time we can’t see some results. Please be patient and know that God is working in the midst. Remember that God is the creator of this universe, and He is greater than what your mind can perceive. He is powerful and big. So focus on Him and not on your own knowledge and understanding. Acknowledge Him in your life, and you will overcome the negative thoughts in your mind.

Never underestimate the power of prayer. When you talk to God, it simply means that you wanted to surrender all your worries. And when you release everything, that’s the time when He will give you peace that surpasses all understanding. You will find rest in His arms, and you will be comforted. God’s promises will remain even if you can’t see His hands moving. Your mind may be full of negative thoughts, but do not stop praying because God is doing something great behind the scene. He is teaching you how to trust and believe in Him.

Fill your mind with good thoughts. Stop listening to the lies of the enemy. Maybe you feel so worried because you keep on watching bad news or listening to toxic people. Let the word of God consume your mind so that you will be reminded about His power and grace. Read the Bible and keep His promises in your heart. Treat His word like a sword that fights against the forces of evil. Let the voice of God be louder than the negative voice you hear. Choose to listen to Him, and you will always be guided. 

Receive the love of God, and your anxiety will slowly fade away.  His perfect love can cast away fears. You feel anxious because you are scared that something bad might happen. But if you will open your heart to His unexplainable love, you will realize that there is nothing that you should worry about. God is in charge, and He will sustain you with His grace. His love is bigger than all your problems. Just magnify His goodness in your life and stop thinking about so many “what ifs”.

One Comment

  • Betty Howard

    Thank you i am going thru alot of things that i dont have answers or solutions and health problems well all areas please pray that these issues be taken care of and i can find peace and love to reach out to others to help them. Thankyou. God bless you all have a good week