Prayer for Strength
Dear God,
Please strengthen me, Lord
I tried to understand
Things going on around me
And the blessings I received
I read your word
But I can’t help to feel worried
I’m so troubled inside, Lord
I’m just afraid about so many things
I know that you are with me
But there are moments
When I forget your love
And pain is so hard to succumb
So teach me how to trust in You
Teach me how to love
Even in pain and in tears
Create in me a pure heart
Teach me to seek Your kingdom
Father God, I know you see everything
All of the things I am going through
So I surrender all my worries, Lord
Please clear my mind
Give me enough courage inside
Give me peace to think properly
Increase my faith, Father God
That I may not grow weary
Take away the doubts I feel inside
And replace it with your love
I just don’t know what to do
Heal me, Father God,
I want to honor you in every way
I don’t want to stay like this forever
I know that you have better plans for me
Have your way in my life. Amen