
Prayers are not Just Asking God for Favor, but also about Listening to His Answers

Prayers are one way of communicating with God. You can tell Him everything that is bothering and worrying you through it. You can say to Him if someone is hurting you and if there is something that is making you feel unloved. You can tell Him about uncertain things you are in and situations beyond your control. You can even complain to HIm about things that disappoint you. He also listens to your stories, ideas, and plans. You can tell Him everything even though He already knows it. God loves to listen to you, and He dearly likes it when you talk and pray to Him. 

Prayers aren’t just about you asking and telling God what you want. It is also about thanking Him for the favors and grace He has given you. It is about praising Him with all your heart. The blessings you freely enjoy and savor all your life are part of His greatness. The things that keep you alive – everything that surrounds you is also part of His love for you. Even the people that come and go in your life are part of it. The plans that come true and even those with different results are all in His favor. The things you found and those you lost; He understands all of it. 

But prayers also involved listening to Him. It is not always just about us towards Him. Praying is more about you listening to Him. Sometimes you would think that you are always left unanswered. Well, you are not. It is only because you also have to listen to Him. Sometimes, you might think that He is not listening to you because He did not answer your prayers the way you want them, but that is not the case. Remember that He knows way more than you do. There are times that our prayers can also involve other people. That is why God would give you answers that are not always according to your ways.

Most of the time, when God answers prayers, it has no explanation yet. Sometimes, it could trouble you and make you clueless about what is going on. It could frustrate you even. It could make you sad or even cry. But remember, there are reasons behind everything. And not every time the reasons are given to us right away. It also takes time for events to happen and situations to answer us. Just be patient. Try to wait and let things happen the way they were meant to be. Try not to control it, or else you will not get the understanding you want. 

God wants you to know that everything He provided for you is for your own good. That you can still see good things in it. He is more real than the things that you can see and touch. God answers, but most of the time, not in our ways. God is beyond the added wisdom of this planet. If we are just part of the tiny universe He created, imagine His unmeasured knowledge. Remember, God is more significant than anything else you can think of. Trying to find meaning in everything would not always help you. Instead, believing in Him would. 

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