Prepare yourself First for the Things that you Prayed for
You won’t be able to value God’s blessings if you don’t know how to properly steward them. You still need to grow and learn so many things. Allow God to mold your character so that when He answers your prayers, you won’t be easily destroyed by the responsibility that you will carry along the blessings that He will give. Humble yourself in His presence and seek His wisdom. Patiently go through the process. This won’t be easy because there will be moments when God will take away the roots of your negative thoughts. Your life will appear messy in a certain season, but if you will just hold on and persevere, you will eventually appreciate everything that God is doing.
Be grateful because God didn’t give you yet the blessings that you want in seasons when you are not ready. Instead of complaining to Him, choose to praise Him along the process. The worst thing will happen if God gives you the things that you prayed for according to your own timing. He knows what tomorrow brings. That’s why you need to surrender your own timeline and allow Him to move. God sees your heart. He knows when you are ready or not. So instead of trusting your own will, learn to abide in His instructions. Keep His commands and continue to walk with Him even in moments when you can’t understand His ways.
Prepare yourself for what’s coming. Behind every blessing that God gave is a responsibility that you must carry. You need to learn how to properly use what He gave for the expansion of His Kingdom. His blessings exist not just to satisfy your own desires but also to bless others. So don’t just think of your own good. Learn how to serve and love others. In such a way, you will have an idea of how to properly steward what He gave. Continue learning in His presence. If you happen to face so many obstacles along the journey, just remember that it’s part of the adventure. When you learn how to deal with the problems that God allowed you to face, you will eventually figure out how to glorify God through the blessings that He gave.
Change the pattern of your prayers. Instead of asking Him to give you the things that you really want according to your own schedule, try to ask Him to give you the patience that you need. Pray that He will give you a humble heart to go through the process with Him. Ask for the Holy Spirit’s guidance and strength. Don’t rely on what you know. Instead, continuously seek God’s word and let Him lead you to the path that He prepared. You will eventually receive His blessings. But until then, pray that God will teach you how to trust in His perfect timing.