

You can pretend to be happy
And act as if nothing happened
You can continue to laugh loud
And yet live your life in misery

You can hide what you feel inside
And do your very best
As if you have it together
As if everything is still fine

But you can’t hide God
About what you genuinely feel
His eyes see your soul
He knows the depths of your heart

He knows the reason
Behind the wounds, you have
He is aware of those nights
When you can’t sleep and smile

God knows everything
That is why don’t deny
What you are carrying inside
Come to God and surrender
Share with Him like a brother

Be honest, and don’t be afraid
He won’t judge and condemn
He loves to embrace you
You can rest in His presence

You don’t have to force
You and heart to smile
Just express and be free to cry
Because He can take it all

He won’t hurt you
Or blame what you did
Connect to God
And treat Him like a fried