Self Development

Pride And Insecurity Will Slowly Pull You Down

Never allow the pride and insecurities to consume your heart. If you think that there is something wrong deep within, let God reveal to you what you need to change. Stop relying on your own understanding. Acknowledge the power of God in your life and let Him teach you what to do. Remember that we are not perfect. We all have the tendency to focus on ourselves instead of doing the will of God. So never put your trust in your own strength. Depend more on God and let Him lead you to the right path. Never let the enemy control your life through your emotions. Focus on God and choose to abide in Him.

Surrender to God all the insecurities you feel inside. There are moments when we compare ourselves to others and think that we never receive enough blessings. That’s why we feel so insecure deep within. Instead of focusing on the things that you don’t have, try to share all your thoughts to God and ask Him to open your eyes so that you will see the blessings around you. Remember that we all have different timelines. God designed a unique and special path for all of us. And we will fail to appreciate His plans the moment we keep on comparing ourselves to others. So change your perspective and learn to accept that our journey will always be different from others.

Let God give you a humble heart. The difficult situations around you will make you realize that there are things in life that you can’t do. Only God can help you, and that fact alone will lead you to be humble in the presence of God. Stop putting everything on your shoulders. You need God in your life. So learn to ask for His help and let Him take away the pride inside. Let your brokenness remind you that God alone can heal your heart. Give God all the credits, for He simply deserves all the glory and honor. 

Make God the King of your life. If you choose to let Him reign, your pride and insecurities will never prevail. If you only allow Him to love you, then He will take away the negative emotions inside and replace them with the fruits of the Holy Spirit. You will learn how to love God and the people around you. He will replace your pride with a servant’s heart, and all your insecurities will be gone.

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