
Problems and Strength

Just like a butterfly
It will find it hard to fly
If it does not go through a process
Of all the struggle to build strength

A diamond will not be that beautiful
Without intense heat and pressure
The need to stay deep down in the ground
And go through a very tough process

There is always beauty behind the pain
You are who you are because of the past
So never underestimate your challenges
Because they reveal your strength and courage

There are things you can’t understand yet
We all go through something difficult in life
No matter who you are in this world
You will never be exempted from circumstances

Even if you think that you already have everything
You will still meet challenges in life
So instead of hating your problems,
Why not make the most of it?

Take the lessons with you
And keep it in your heart
Because it will be part of your wealth
And no one can take it away from you

God is molding you right now
Be patient and go through the process
Don’t be in a hurry
Face your problems and know
That He is always with you