Self Development

Pursue excellence not to please People but to Glorify God

God deserves your best. So do what you can do to glorify His name. Pursue excellence and know that the efforts that you exert will never be in vain. God sees your heart. He knows the reason behind your actions. He will never waste all your hardships. Treat Him as your King. And honor Him through the works of your hands. Keep growing and pray for a teachable heart. That you may choose to accept the lessons and stop focusing on the negative things that happened. He can teach you so many things, and He alone can give you the wisdom that you need. So set your eyes on Him, and you will discover your potential. One day, you will realize how God sees you and who He created you to be.

Imagine that you are working for God and serving Him. Even if your job is not connected to religious activities, still you can glorify Him in the way you do things. He is watching over you. He knows the reason why you do what you do. So instead of just working for your boss. Choose to please God first, and He will bless your career. Produce an excellent output and do it for Him. Your creator rejoices every time He sees you doing the things that you love. Be passionate and treasure the resources that are provided for you.

Your actions reflect who your God is. If you will just produce a mediocre output, then it means that you see yourself as someone who is not capable of doing great things. Remember that you are God’s creation. He carefully molded you even before you were born. So live according to your identity. You are greater than who you think you are. Believe with all your heart that you are His masterpiece, and it means that you are destined to do mighty things that will proclaim His name.

Bring glory to God through the talents and gifts that He has given you. Don’t waste your time here on earth. Keep growing and choose to become a better version of yourself. Grab every opportunity that will slowly transform your life. Sometimes, it comes through pain and heartaches, but choose to be patient.  Pray for a humble heart, and He will lead you to the future that He prepared. Worship Him even if you are working. Let everything that you do bring glory to His name.