Questioning Your Worth Is Like Doubting The One Who Created You
You are always enough. Yes, you find it hard to discover your purpose here on earth, but always remember that your life is not an accident. God intentionally made you in His own image. So stop questioning your worth because it’s like you doubt the one who created you in the first place. God never commits mistakes. Remember that He is perfect, and you are part of His plans. Just come to His presence and share your heart with Him. He understands you, and He will help you process everything. Just learn to trust in Him and stop comparing yourself to others. You are unique and special. God prepared a wonderful future for you. The journey that you will go through will be different from others but believe that He will always lead you to the right place.
Do not look at your own ability and strength. Instead, focus on God and remember your identity in Him. You are His child and His beloved. That simply means that He knows you by heart. He sees everything that you went through. And believe it or not, He never leaves your side. He saw all your tears, and He knows the pain that you feel inside. So depend on Him more than you rely on your own understanding. When you set your eyes on God, you will also learn to see the good things around you. He will teach you how to appreciate yourself, and eventually, He will let you discover the talents and gifts that He gave to you. When that day happens, you will start to see the purpose of your existence.
God is your creator. Therefore you are priceless and valuable. He never creates something that is worthless. His creation reflects His power and love, and remember that you are part of it. So never underestimate yourself. The God who made this universe is with you wherever you go. He is inside your heart, and He is gently pushing you to move forward towards the future the He prepared for you. So take courage and stop looking at your mistakes.
Your heavenly Father loves you so much. And He wants you to trust in Him. Increase your faith, and do not just focus on the things that you see. Remember that faith exists because it requires you to believe in the things you hoped for, even if what happens around you is the exact opposite. God will direct you to the path that He wanted you to take, just don’t give up and choose to believe in His great love.