Reading God’s word is somehow an Act of Humility
You can’t live this life on your own. You need the wisdom and guidance of God. And you can only find it in the bible. Reading His word is like saying to God that you can’t move forward without His instructions. It’s about acknowledging in His presence that He alone can give you the strength and courage that you need to overcome the season that you are in. You see, there are so many lessons that you can learn in this world. People will present different thoughts and realizations that will shake your faith. But God’s truth is always there to lead you back on track. It exists to give you the hope that you need. So if you ask God so many questions, try to open the bible and humbly receive the wisdom He offered to His people.
Don’t rely on your own understanding. Sometimes, we think that because we are already grown-ups, we already have the things we need to overcome the challenges of this world. We have this mindset that we no longer need others to remind us because we think we can do it independently. But the truth is, we don’t have any idea about what tomorrow brings. This is the reason why we shouldn’t rely on our own knowledge because it’s not enough. God still wanted us to discover so many lessons in His presence. But the sad truth is we fail to align our situation with His will because we didn’t bother to consult Him. We didn’t even have the time to open the bible and learn from His ways.
It’s time to accept the truth that you need God. Be humble, and don’t just listen to your own voice. You may feel entitled to own your feelings, but that doesn’t mean what you believe in is the whole truth. You need to lay down all your thoughts to God and ask Him if what you are thinking is right or wrong. If Jesus is the Lord of your life, then you need to acknowledge His will and not just listen to the negative thoughts in your head. Give Him the authority to renew your heart and mind. Allow His word to correct the lies that you tried to believe in.
Have a teachable heart, and let God renew your thoughts. The Holy Spirit is the greatest teacher you could ever have. He will present to you heavenly thoughts, and you will be amazed by how poor your mindset is when it comes to faith. One day, He will show you how great God is to the point that you can no longer grasp the depths of His wisdom and love. He will expose you to the things that lead people to completely experience transformation. If you just allow Him to take over and mold you into a better person, you will surely experience a glimpse of heaven here on earth.

One Comment
Merlyn Guille
It is encouraging word . Praise be to God.