Self Development

Real Change Takes A Long Process

There is no such thing as instant growth. If you wanted to experience lasting change, then you need to go through the process. Sometimes, it’s going to be tough. You will face the most challenging part of your past. But rest assured that everything is going to be worth it. If you are just patient enough to learn the lessons that you need to know along the way, you will experience a beautiful journey.

Do not rush the process. Enjoy every moment of your life. Cherish every season because it will give you a lot of memorable lessons. Do not be in a hurry. You can always pause and rest when you are tired. Don’t pressure yourself too much. Yes, you have a lot of expectations deep within you, but you also need to give yourself the chance to grow. It’s okay to commit mistakes sometimes. It will teach you a lot of things in life.

If you wanted to change from the inside out, then you need to go through each step. God builds the foundation first. He will purify your heart. And it takes a lot of time, especially when He deals with the most painful part of your past. He will slowly heal the pain so that all that’s left will be scars. And when that day comes, you will no longer feel alone.

Along the process of change, God will introduce Himself. You will discover a lot of things about Him. And only then will you know that everything you’ve been going through is always worth it. God will mend your broken heart, and He will restore it. But you need to be patient along the way because you will experience a different kind of battles deep within. You will feel the pain, and you will start doubting yourself. Yes, it will never be easy. But God will be there to guide you.

You can do it. Always remember that you are not alone in this journey. God will send people who will always be there to comfort you. God wants you to experience the fullness of this life. And the more you open your heart for His love, the more you realize that as long as He is with you, there’s nothing you should be afraid of.

You may not know what will happen next, but always put this in your heart. God moves in ways we cannot see. His timeline is very different from ours. Trust His timing because He alone knows when you are ready or not. Relax and learn to enjoy the process.