Self Development

Real Strength comes from the Inside

If you want to have the strength that you need in order to face the challenges of this world, then you must work on the inside first. Build your faith and character because they will serve as your foundation. Do not rely on what is happening around you or on other people. Know that you can’t control them. What you can do is focus on your inner strength because when you are strong within, then the things on the outside can never break you into pieces.

Be more intentional in developing yourself and your faith. Grow in God’s presence, and He will rest in your heart. He will move when you need Him. Put Him at the center, and you will have enough strength. You will overcome everything as long as you have Him inside.

Don’t just follow God, but put Him inside your heart. When you follow Him, it means that you are looking at Him from a distance, but when you treat Him as the center of your life, it means that you allow Him to live through you. God doesn’t just speak to your ears, but He is knocking inside your heart. He wants to mend your wounds and make you whole again.

Let His light shine from the inside, and you will never be destroyed by the problems and challenges that you face. Live according to His principles and values. Allow Him to change the way you think. Let His love give you peace and rest. Let your motivation come from the inside so that when you hear the lies of the enemy, you will not be tempted to give up and quit.

Do not rely on other people to strengthen you. They can’t always give you the comfort that you need. Remember that just like you, they are also going through pain and heartaches. That’s why they can’t always give you the attention that you expect, instead of putting your trust in them. Choose to set your eyes on God. Focus on His love and remember His great power. Depend on Him, and you will be able to overcome the obstacles in your life victoriously.

He is perfect. He will never fail you. He can do all things, so stop asking other people to become your source of strength. Treat God as the reason for your everything, and He will perform miracles in your life. He will never run dry. He can always give you enough grace to help you keep moving.

It’s okay to work on your outside appearance but see to it that you put first the things that matter most in the end. What’s on the outside can never save you from greater pain. God can’t only be seen in your surroundings. But He is inside your heart. If you want to seek Him, then you need to dig deep inside your heart. He is found in the deepest part of your soul.

Take some time to connect to Him, and you will be strengthened. At the end of the day, the things that you’ve been working on will either make you feel weak or become stronger. It matters on your priorities. May you choose to put your relationship with God first. And He will restore what’s broken from within. And when the inside is whole and complete, it will then manifest to your surroundings. 


  • Hanton

    I am very blessed to read this. This is what I need in my life and I believe it meant for me. Thank You very much Lord God for the gift of real inner strength, In Jesus Christ name, AMEN.

  • Hanton

    Thank You very much Lord God for guiding me towards this wonderful message of real inner strenghts. I have been looking for this. I need to work on the inside first for my faith and character as my foundation to build my real inner strenghts so things outside can never break me. I will put God inside my heart for He is knocking inside my heart. I will not rely on other people to strengthen me. I will depend on God for He never fails and God will be the source of strenght and the reason for everything and He will perform miracles in my life. As God is inside my heart and the deepest part of my soul, so I need to dig deeper to connect with Him as I need strength from God to make me stronger as I get my inner strenght from him and He can restore what is broken from within until when the inside is whole and complete it can then manifest in the my surroundings. From Now onwards until the end of my life, I need to focus on my inner strenght to face the outside world, and it is through Lord God that can bless me with the gift of real inner stenght in my heart and soul, and then I become stronger and wiser and it will manifest in my surroundings and I will able to face the outside with stronger inner strenght from God. AMEN.

    Thank You very much God Bless us all always and Happy New Year 2022.

    Yours Truly,
