Receive the Answers to your Prayers even if you can’t see them yet
You activate your faith every time you choose to believe in God’s promises, even if you can’t see anything. So when you pray, imagine that God is already giving you the answers to your prayers. Live your life as if you already have everything you prayed for. Be grateful for what you have, and cherish God’s blessings. Know that God is already moving in the spiritual realm. You may not see His hands, but trust that He is making way for you.
Do not focus on what you can physically see. Increase your faith and believe with all your heart that God hears your prayers. And He will answer them according to His perfect timing. But until then, fix your eyes on His goodness and love. Trust in His great power, and you will always receive the courage that you need to wait for His answers. It may sometimes take time, but your faith in Him will grow stronger, and you will never be the same.
Trust that God will give you the best. He may ask you to wait for His blessings. But know that He has His own reasons why you need to go through the process. He wants what’s good for you. And you can’t receive the best things in life, not until you are prepared enough. But even if you are still walking in the middle of the journey, still praise and glorify God in everything you do. Be excited about the great things that He prepared for you.
When you feel like giving up. Just close your eyes and imagine yourself living in His promises. Remember that He is faithful. One day, it will happen. Just trust His perfect timing. Allow Him to mold you and transform the way you see things so that you will continue to keep your hopes up, even if nothing is happening. Hold on to His goodness and faithfulness. Believe in Him and stop listening to the lies of the enemy.
Thank God for the things that He is doing behind the scene. You may not exactly know what He is doing in the spiritual realm, but with a grateful heart, wait for His answers. Enjoy your season and appreciate the resources that He provided for you. Practice the habit of thanking God for the great blessings that He prepared, even if you can’t physically see them. Know that by heart, it’s already happening. That’s what faith is for.
It’s about holding on to the future that you desire, even if your situation looks like the opposite. You may be surrounded by negative things, but every time you feel like you want to give up, just close your eyes and imagine that God is moving in the midst.
Let your faith be bigger than your doubts. Do not focus on your own emotions or the things that are happening around you. Look deeper and allow God to lead you to the right path. Just trust Him because He prepared a bright future for you. If you feel so tired of hoping for things to be better, then recall the miracles that God did before. Remember those moments when He gave you blessings that are beyond your expectations. God will do the same thing in your life. He never changes. Do not rely on your own understanding. Instead, allow God to teach you what to do. Submit all your worries and doubts to Him, and He will give you the courage to believe in His promises.