
Remember God’s promises and Begin again

If you happen to commit terrible mistakes in life, and it really breaks your heart, then always remember this. God’s promises are still waiting for you. Things may not go according to how you wanted them to be, but your Heavenly Father is faithful. He will fill your heart with enough strength. His words will heal your heart and motivate you to move forward. You can begin again, and this time around, start with God. Hold His hands and consult Him. Ask for wisdom, and He will reveal to you the things that you need to do in order to fully recover. Let your mistakes lead you closer to His arms. Let the negative situation inspire you to keep believing in His promises. It won’t be easy to overcome them, but this is not about your own strength, it’s about God’s power in your life that matters most in the end.

You can’t overcome the guilt if you always focus on what went wrong. You can take note of them and make the necessary changes, but you don’t have to live as if there’s no hope left. As long as you are still breathing, it means that God is still giving you a chance to learn and make things new. The fact that you are still reading this right now means that He still wants you back in His arms. Humbly surrender what you feel to God for He understands you. Receive His love and allow Him to comfort you. Only then will you realize that His plans are always greater than the guilt and shame that you feel inside. He is not looking at your mistakes, but He wants you to learn how to manage your setbacks in life.

Focus on God’s promises. This is one of the best things that you can do to remind yourself that better days are still ahead. Focusing on your situation will just lead you to an overwhelming feeling that will eventually hinder you from seeing what God wanted to happen. This is the reason why you need to learn how to hold on to His words, especially in moments when you can see any changes. Increase your faith and let go of your fears. God loves you enough to protect and lead you. He is there, always willing to rescue you from the mess that you are in. You may face the consequences of the mistakes that you committed, but God’s promises will remain. You just need to trust His ways.

Step outside your fears and begin again. Do it not just for yourself but for God and for those people who need your help. How you stand in this situation will someday become a testimony to those who also committed terrible mistakes in life. This time around, God is slowly taking away your pride. He is replacing it with His love and grace. Just hold His hands and know that He will never leave you nor forsake you. Your breakthroughs are on the other side. Take the step, and this time, do it with God.