Remember, God’s Purpose is more Important than the Small Arguments
Every person has their own views of what matters in life. The same goes for you. As you walk along the journey, you slowly figure out what are the things that are important to you. You have reasons why you protect yourself and the people around you. You are now beginning to know how peace is essential for you and what you must do to protect it. However, there will be times when you will be challenged with your choices. Your faith and beliefs will be tested. You will find yourself being in a minor argument, realizing that as you spend more time with it, it goes deeper and deeper. You tend to protect things that you thought were way more important.
It is fine to fight over what you thought was yours, but sometimes, you must first remember God’s purpose in your life. Keep in mind what is really needed in the present. Is it for your own good only or for those whom God called you for? Of course, you can protect yourself from harm and keep yourself safe. But, you must remind yourself that He has a purpose for you. That is why it is important to stay calm when you face circumstances that tempt you to build unfriendly arguments. It will not be easy. Holding back your temper and listening to hurtful things is always hard. But you can do it with the help of God. Release it peacefully like what and how God taught you. Minor arguments cannot be avoided, but you can always choose the words that come out from your mouth.
God wants you to stay calm. It is not easy, but He will be with you. He is not just teaching you what to do or how to do it but also reminding you of your purpose. He is reminding you about what matters most in the end. God loves relationships, happiness, kindness, humility, and more. He wants you to see that there are bigger things than those that irritate and annoy you.
It doesn’t mean that He does not understand you. Of course, He understands you genuinely. He knows the state of your heart and mind and how badly you want to get rid of those things that you don’t want for yourself. Remember that the process of molding our hearts takes time and process. It will also cause heartbreaks and pain. But, you will see things differently as you are molded to be better.
Do things for His glory. Do not be too conscious of those who cannot understand you. Remember that we all have different purposes in this life. You don’t have to follow the voice of the crowd. He planted you so that you will eventually grow and prosper. So, choose what God would have wanted you to do when facing arguments and fights. Choose to follow your purpose instead of being carried with anger. You are doing it for yourself and the One living in you. Do not worry, for He will be with you along the way.