Remember that the Process involves both Joy and Pain
The journey is not going to be smooth and relaxing. There will be moments when you will go through painful goodbyes and awkward “Hellos.” Sometimes, you will be forced to do things you never did before, or you will be challenged to face your fears. Your life is not going to be perfect, but it will be exciting if you take every obstacle as an opportunity to learn new things. It’s going to be a tough yet memorable ride for you as long as you align your thoughts and actions to the One who created you.
If you listen to His voice, you will certainly live this life to the fullest because He knows your purpose and what will happen next. If you abide in His love, you will enjoy your precious time here on earth. Things will not be easy, but God will walk with you along the way. He will take good care of you and make you feel secure and protected. Just stay in His presence and don’t let go of His hands. The process will transform you from the inside out, so prepare yourself by keeping your faith. It’s the only thing that will lead you to the victory you long to experience.
Just be patient and choose to depend on God. When you can’t understand what’s happening, call upon His name, and He will give you the strength you need. Sometimes, He will not explain everything, but even if you feel so confused, trust in His promises and believe with all your heart that everything will be okay. Don’t be disappointed, especially when you feel so helpless. Struggles are part of life, and you need to go through them so that you will constantly grow and learn. Just keep going and don’t quit
You can take a rest, but you don’t have to end your journey because God has His own reasons why He still allowed you to live another day. It simply means that the world still needs you. So let the process mold you into a better person. Let it bring you closer in the arms of God. And one day, you will see your life being transformed from glory to glory. You will see the person God created you to be, and you will learn to treasure the things that God allowed you to experience because when that day happens, you will finally see the beauty of the process that He perfectly orchestrated just for you.
It’s like a roller coaster ride. Sometimes, you will feel so happy and contented, but there are also moments when it feels so empty and meaningless. You will experience different sorts of emotions. And things will be so challenging, but one thing is for sure, God will be with you no matter what season you are in. He will stay by your side and give you the comfort that you need. When you no longer understand what’s going on, just come to His presence, and you will stay safe in His arms. Include Him in everything that you do. And the memories you have with Him will turn into priceless treasures that will last forever.
When you accept the truth that life will not be perfect, your expectations will change, and you will learn to properly manage the situation around you. Instead of reacting to the negative things, you will learn to make the right choices. Just align your thoughts to God and acknowledge His will. Nothing can ever destroy you as long as you choose to deeply trust in His great love.
Everything will be worth it in the end. Remember that great things are waiting for you. The process may appear so unpredictable but put your hope in God, and you will enjoy your journey with Him. Fix your eyes on what’s ahead. Know that the struggles and pain you experience will not last forever. Let God be the source of your happiness, and you will never be disturbed by the situation around you. In Him, you will have the courage to move forward and pursue the dreams the He planted in your heart. Nothing is impossible if you have Him in your life.
Treat the process that God created as an opportunity for you to grow and become a better person. It will teach you so many life-changing lessons if you just have a humble heart to accept His instructions. This life is not about getting the prize or the great blessings that God prepared. But it’s about being faithful to God along the process, even in those moments when you can’t understand what’s going on. What makes everything worth it is not the beautiful treasures and gifts you will receive from God, but it’s because of the experiences you had along the journey.