
Remember These Words Every Time You Feel Like God Is So Far Away

God is closer than you think.

You may not see Him, but God is always with you. He is closer than the air you breathe. He guides you in whatever you do. In fact, He is holding your hands right now. So that when you fall on the ground, He will give you enough strength to pull you up. You are not alone. You may think that you are fighting the battle on your own, but God is moving in the midst, and He is making way for you. Just have faith in even if you can’t see His hands moving. Believe even if you can’t seem to understand Him. Trust even if you don’t know what’s ahead. Keep on moving because God is closer than you think.

He never leaves you.

He was there when you feel so broken inside. He comforts your heart, and He heals your wounds. God knows what you’ve been going through. Yes, there are moments when you feel like God is so distant, and you tend to wonder about the reason why you can’t feel His presence. But then, always remember that there’s nothing that you can do to make Him love you less. The circumstances around you may force you to think that God no longer cares for you, but choose to believe in His great love for you. He never leaves you behind.

He has no plans to abandon you.

God will stay faithful to you, no matter what happens. There are moments when we feel so afraid of our future because we think we are on our own. The fact that we will experience unexpected situations makes us feel so anxious and worried about the things that will happen next. But God will always be there for you. So do not be worry because the plans of God are greater than what your mind can perceive.  God has no intention to abandon you. You are His child, His precious beloved.

His love for you will never change.

He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. His words will never change, and His promises are true. God doesn’t want you to feel alone. He loves you so much that He sends the Holy Spirit to comfort you. God is not far from you. In fact, He is watching over you right now. No one can ever stop God from loving us. Everything will fade away, but not His love for you and me.