Respect other People’s Opinion
You can’t force everyone to think like you. We are all different and unique. We see things according to the lens that we are using. And with that, you can’t expect others to follow you. So instead of trying to convince someone about your idea or perspective, why not try to listen and respect their opinions. Just like you, they also have a story behind the way they perceive things. And it’s deeper than you think. Their thoughts are shaped according to their experiences. So be patient and acknowledge the truth that we all have different views in life. That’s what makes this world diverse yet colorful. Just be rooted in your values and stay with God. Ask Him about the best thing to do, and He will be there to guide you.
Remember that the people around you are God’s creation. And that fact alone is enough for you to respect them. You may have contradicting views about a specific matter or issue, but that doesn’t give you the permission to talk bad about them. Allow the kindness of God to reign. Be a blessing to others. Choose to connect to them and know the story behind their opinions. You will discover interesting ideas about the person if you stop judging them and choose to listen to their point of view. When you put aside the differences and focus on what matters most in the end, you will always find peace.
Respect means you choose to love others. You follow the ways of God and not your own emotions or understanding. It’s about being patient and allowing other people to also express what they think and feel. God never condemned you for how you think, even if He knows what is right. He chose to understand you, and He stayed even in moments when you disagreed with His ways. May you also do the same thing to others. Learn to serve God’s creation even if they don’t think or act like you. Accept the fact we are all created in a unique way.
Be the light that this world longs to see. The negative news and information we receive every single day are already too much. So choose to spread goodness and not toxic mindset. Just be the person who chooses to honor others rather than pointing out what’s wrong with them. God sees your heart, and He knows how you see other people. Their opinions shouldn’t define their identity. They are God’s beloved, so choose to respect them as His masterpiece.