Rest is an Important Part of your Life’s Journey
You may think that working hard is the only way for you to achieve the things that you dreamed of, but sometimes, you need to take a rest in order for you to evaluate if what you are doing is still right or not. You need to reflect on the lessons you learned and check if you are still walking on the right path. Rest is an important part of your journey here on earth. You will never know the real status of your heart not unless you take some time to pause for a while and learn to listen. The things going on in your mind will help you assess yourself if you are really growing or not. So if you feel tired and overwhelmed with your situation, then take a rest and give yourself the chance to recover.
Remember that even God Himself took a rest on the 7th day. And you are not exempted. Your body needs to pause for a while so that you can regain energy. Yes, you need to work hard, but you will miss the important lessons if you do not evaluate your actions and the things you’ve been through. Rest is very essential because it will help you assess yourself. It will give you the chance to redirect your life and change the things that are not pleasing to God. You need a break. Treat it as a precious gift that you can give to yourself. You may think that it’s unnecessary, but you will realize how important it is the moment your body has already asked for it.
Allow yourself to process the things that are going on around you. Sometimes, you can’t really understand everything in an instant. You need to spend some time to pause and figure out the best thing that you can do. You also need to receive God’s peace in order for your brain to function properly. And the best way to do it is to simply rest in the presence of God. You will be able to hear His voice if your mind is not bombarded with problems and the pressures of this world. If you learn to surrender all your worries to Him, you will regain some strength to take another step.
Come to God, and He will give your rest. He will make you feel so loved and treasured. He will give you the assurance that you need. In Him, you will be strengthened. Depend on His power and treat Him as the only God of your life. You will find comfort in His arms. And you will not be bothered, especially in your resting time, because He will take away all your worries and replace them with His promises.