Reward yourself for the Hard Work that you Exerted
It doesn’t matter what the outcome is. Choose to reward yourself for all the hard work that you exerted. Sometimes, life will not favor you. But even though you will experience failures, the great thing is that you did your best and keep on growing. So, don’t be too upset if you think that you didn’t reach your goals or expectations in life. What’s important is that you become a better person every time you exert some effort to get things that you deeply desire. Focus on your growth and not just on your goal. Appreciate the process and not just the outcome of your actions. At the end of the day, what makes your life more meaningful are not the things you receive but all the hard work you offer not just for yourself but also for the people you love.
Choose to grow, and you will bear more fruits for the glory of God. Do not be disappointed if you can’t see the results yet. There’s a reason why you need to go through that season. And there are really moments in life when you can’t literally see your progress. Sometimes, it seems too slow, but the truth is God is transforming you, and He is building your foundation. Just keep going even if you can’t figure out the right thing to do. Trust that God is guiding you. Appreciate your small victories. Because those little breakthroughs will take you to places, you’ve never been before.
Keep doing your best. Do it not just for yourself but also for God. He is not just after the results. Know that He sees your heart, and He appreciates everything that you do for His glory. Your hard work will never be in vain. Celebrate those life exams that you are able to pass through. Even if there are times when you can’t see the fruits yet, but know that God is working behind the scene. He rejoices with you, especially in moments when you choose to step up and learn new things.
Never anchor your identity based on the success that you experienced. Life is not just about getting the things that you want, but it’s about growing in the presence of God. It’s a long process full of lessons and fun memories. You will miss the adventure if you just keep focusing on the reward that you will get. The most valuable treasures you can acquire are not the big things that God wants you to receive, but it’s the lessons that completely transformed you from the inside out.