Romans 5:19, NIV
For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.
Romans 5:19, NIV
We are made sinners because of Adam’s disobedience. He chose to follow his own will. Because of this one man, sin is now flowing through our blood. This is the reason why nobody is perfect. No matter how much we try to do good things, we still can’t help but embrace our identity as a sinner. Because of this, God sent His only Son, Jesus Christ. And through His obedience, we are made righteous. It’s His blood that purifies us from all our sins. Because Jesus chose to obey, we are now given the chance to enter eternity. We are saved not because of our own efforts but all because Jesus obeyed God even in the midst of suffering.
I pray that you will never forget that Jesus is the reason why you are made righteous in the eyes of God.