His Word

Romans 8:8, NIV

Those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please God.

Romans 8:8, NIV

The desires of your flesh will destroy you in the end. You may think that what you have in mind will give you pleasure and joy, but it won’t last long. The things of this world are temporary. The standards that people are following are not aligned with the will of God. That’s why those who are in the realm of the flesh cannot please Him. If you want to honor Him with what you have, then you need to learn how to live in the spirit. It means that you need to give up your fleshly desires and allow the Holy Spirit to reign in your life. It won’t be easy because it feels like a battle deep within, but if you keep on choosing what’s right in the eyes of God, then you will be able to glorify His name in the end.

May you stop living in the realm of the flesh and allow God’s spirit to reign in your life.