
Run to God, and you will be Safe

The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe. The wealth of the rich is their fortified city; they imagine it a wall too high to scale.

Proverbs 18: 10-11, NIV

When you are in trouble, be the righteous person who chooses to run to God and not the temporary riches you have. You may think that your wealth will protect you, but God alone can make you feel safe. He is stronger than anyone else. So come to Him and rely on His power. Instead of putting your hope in your money, set your eyes on God and choose to serve Him. Depend on His power and not on the things that you acquire in this world.

Everything that you have will fade away, including your money, properties, and businesses. These are just temporary. But God will remain faithful no matter what happens. He will stay with you, and He will never change. His love for you will last forever. That’s why, choose to trust in Him and keep your faith. When you are surrounded by so many challenges, just remember God and stay close to His heart.

Do not rely on your own wealth. Sometimes, we have this mindset that if we are rich enough, we already have the assurance that our life and our family will be protected. Yes, God can use your wealth to help you feel relieved, but they can never protect you from harm. Only God knows what’s ahead. So trust in Him. Your riches are just part of His resources. Don’t treat them as your fortress. Because at the end of the day, your temporary treasures can’t really protect you from the works of the enemy. This is the reason why you must stay closer to God and live inside His presence. You need to stay connected to His love so that when you encounter obstacles along the way, you can easily overcome them by His grace. Trust Him more than you rely on your riches. Treat Him as the source of your blessings, and you will be safe.

God is with you. He will never forsake you. Remember that you are so precious in His eyes. You are His beloved. That’s why He can’t afford to abandon you. Hold His hands as you walk along the journey and know that He is your fortified tower. It means that when you stay in His arms, you will receive the strength that you need.

In Him, you will feel protected. Your surroundings may appear so messy, but if you stay in the presence of God, then you will experience no harm. The enemy can never disturb you. Live your life with Jesus, and the challenges of this world will never destroy your faith. Treat God as your refuge and be confident in His arms. Only then will you learn to appreciate His love more than the riches you acquired in your life.

Run into the arms of your Father. Stop depending on your wealth. Do not be afraid because He will protect you. Surrender to God all the riches that you have and let Him use them for His glory. Allow Him to move in your life, and you will see more of His miracles. Remember that the temporary wealth that you have are all blessings from God, but they will lead you to destruction the moment you treat them as your idols. Look unto God, and He will give you the wisdom that you need so that you’ll be able to manage your resources for the expansion of His Kingdom. Treat Him as your loving Father, and you will never run dry. In Him, you always have more than enough blessings.