
Season of Loneliness

What if in your season of loneliness
God is just calling you
to spend time with Him

What if it’s His way of telling you
That He misses you so much
And He just wanted to be with you

You see, when we are surrounded
With so many people
We tend to forget the presence of God

We focus on getting along with others
That we no longer hear His voice
When we are too busy with our lives
We tend to ignore His little ways
Then we forget about His great love for us

When we feel so lonely
That’s the time
When we only remember Him
It’s the moment when we long
For His company

What if God just wants to hear your heart?
What if He just misses your stories
And everything that you shared with Him before?

Connect to God
And you will realize that He is all you want
Nourish your relationship with Him
Speak to Him every day
And tell Him everything that you feel

Share to Him all your thoughts
Treat Him as your friend
He wants to be with you
Remember that you are His beloved
And He wanted you to receive His love

So if you feel so lonely right now
Then come to your Heavenly Father
Let Him comfort you in this season

Embrace His love
And you will find rest in His arms
God is in love with you
So cherish your moment with Him
And you will experience
The fullness of this life