His Word

Seeing the Truth of God

The poor and the oppressor have this in common: The Lord gives sight to the eyes of both.

Proverbs 29:13, NIV

The Lord gives everyone the chance to see the truth. It’s up to us to accept that truth or not. But regardless of how we react to it, God will present to us the things that we need to see. God is not selfish. He always gives us a chance to know Him and His ways through the things that He allows in our lives.

And it’s up to us if we are willing to humbly allow God’s truth to reign in our lives. At the end of the day, God will present to us what we need to know, but then He will always give us the freedom to make our own decisions.

So if you think that God was unfair because it seems like we are the only ones who sees the truth, and then He fail to let our oppressors know the light, let this verse remind you that God did His part. At some point, He tried to open the eyes of those people, but then they didn’t respond to God’s ways.

It’s just their hearts are hardened, and they no longer acknowledge the sovereignty of God. They rely on their own understanding and fail to consider His goodness and faithfulness.

God gives so many chances to everyone. And it’s up to us if we will respond to His grace and mercy or not. He is patient at the same time, He is just.  

Prayer: Father God, thank you for giving me the chance to see your truth. I pray for your grace that I may learn to accept whatever it is that you allow me to see. Give me a humble heart to abide by your instructions, and lead me close to your arms so that I may have the courage to do what’s right in difficult times. Be glorified and be magnified, my Lord. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.