Seek God’s Wisdom Above All Else
Apply your heart to instruction and your ears to words of knowledge.
Proverbs 23:12, NIV
We are somehow living in a world where people tend to feel entitled to the things that they have or the knowledge that they gained. And because of this, they rely so much on what they learned rather than listening to trusted and wise people. We may sometimes think that we have already gone through enough experiences in life and that we don’t need other people to instruct and guide us, but this verse simply reminds us to seek wise counsel.
There are still so many things that we need to learn, and other people already walked along the path that we desire to also go through. That’s why we don’t need to commit so many mistakes just to learn. We can actually ask the guidance of those people who have already walked ahead of us. Let’s not just rely on our own understanding. Instead, we need to learn how to humbly ask for help.
The bible is also available for us to learn more about the ways of God. It contains so many instructions that will help us deal with the situations and challenges that we face in life. If we will just humbly seek God’s wisdom every single day, then we will surely be guided. His word will equip us along journey.
Aside from this, God will also send the right people along the way who could guide and lead us. And we can only appreciate their wisdom the moment we learn to listen and obey. You will know them by their fruits, by how they love and care for others. In John 13:35, Jesus said that His disciples were those who choose to love others. If ever you already met someone who embodies the works and love of Jesus, then, you can ask their wisdom and guidance.
Let’s not rely solely on our own understanding. God has provided more than enough resources to guide and help us. Let’s humbly seek His wisdom above all else.
Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for reminding us to seek your wisdom. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to grow and receive your love. We pray that you will give us a humble heart that’s always willing to listen to your instructions. Give us listening ears so that we may learn to apply your wisdom. We pray for your grace, that we may meet the right people who will guide us along the way. This, we ask and pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.