Seek the Word of God and Meditate on it
But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.
Matthew 13:23, NIV
We are so blessed because the word of God is always available for us. Unlike other countries, they are restricted from reading the scriptures. That’s why we should not take this privilege for granted. Just like good soil, let’s put God’s word in our hearts and let it produce crops that will glorify His name.
Let the seed sown in your heart bear fruit that will last even through eternity. You will know you are a good soil if you value God’s word in your life, meditate on it, and apply it. A transformation will happen the moment you allow His word to penetrate down through the deepest part of your soul.
God speaks to you every single day, and if you slowly learn to read the Bible, you will realize that He wants you to know Him more. His word will introduce you to His grace and love. The lessons you will discover there will eventually help you face the battles in life.
Pray that God will open your heart for His word. Ask the Holy Spirit to intervene and perform miracles. Allow Him to teach you and open your eyes so that you will appreciate God’s ways even more.
Be a good soil. Treat the word of God as food for your soul. Do not live a day without it. Seek His instructions, and you will be guided.
Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for this beautiful reminder. I pray for a humble heart to seek your word every single day. Please teach me how to dwell in your presence and lead me close to your arms. Help me, Lord, so that I may become a good soil for your word. I pray for more of your wisdom and understanding. I pray for your grace to overflow in my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.