Seek wisdom and Understanding
The one who gets wisdom loves life; the one who cherishes understanding will soon prosper.
Proverbs 19:8, NIV
In this world full of information and earthly standards, we are reminded to seek God’s wisdom. We may gain knowledge from what we see and experience, but at the end of the day, it’s wisdom that will help us make the right decision. When we get wisdom, it means that we love our lives. It’s one of the best ways for us to discover God’s will and purpose.
So, let’s try to gain the wisdom of God. In everything we do, let’s seek His ways because He alone can guide us. He sees what’s ahead and knows what we need to do to get there. It’s God who can direct us to the right path. Even though we have our own plans, let’s not forget to surrender them in the presence of God. Let’s choose to acknowledge His will above our desires. Remember that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
Moreover, the verse also states that those who value understanding will soon prosper. This is a beautiful reminder for us, especially when we encounter difficult people and situations in life. Sometimes, we tend to rely on what we feel or what we know, thinking that it’s what matters. But God is asking us to value understanding. It happens when we learn to pause, step back, and allow God to give us the right mindset.
God’s understanding is so much deeper and wider than what we have in mind. That’s why, when we experience unexpected circumstances, let’s choose to lean on His shoulders and ask Him what to do. Let’s seek His word and let His wisdom and understanding penetrate our souls so that we may see our situation in the light of His glory and love.
Prayer: Father God, thank you so much for reminding us to seek your wisdom and to rely on your understanding. Thank you for teaching us how to fully depend on you and not on our strengths. Please guide us Lord, that we may choose to surrender to your will. Give us a humble heart so that we may learn to listen to your voice and obey your instructions. This I ask, and pray, in Jesus’ name, amen.