
Seek Your Satisfaction In The Arms Of God

This world will give us a lot of temptations. Sometimes, we are too focused on our goals in life that we no longer appreciate the presence of God. We tend to set our eyes on what’s ahead and forget to consider the blessings that He already provided for us in the present. We unknowingly seek our happiness to worldly things that will never last forever. And when we are occupied with problems, we tend to doubt in God’s goodness, thinking that He already abandoned us. We get so affected by our situation because we tend to seek our joy and fulfillment through the things around us and not with God. Remind yourself that only His love can satisfy your heart. So come back to His presence and treasure Him in your life.

The circumstances around you can never destroy your life as long as you anchor your faith in God. You will never be shaken if you only stay in His presence. Listen to His voice and do not entertain the lies of the enemy. This world may tell you to accomplish something or buy expensive materials for you to feel happy and satisfied. But remember that God is your creator. He knows what you truly need inside. No earthly wealth can complete and make you whole as a person. Only the love of God can quench the thirst you feel inside. Your achievements can never heal what’s broken. God alone is your ultimate healer.

His presence is more than enough. It’s more than the riches that you can acquire here on earth. You do your best not because you wanted to achieve something for yourself but because you wanted to be a good steward of His blessings. You know that God didn’t give you something for your own benefit. He will use your life to become a blessing to others. You will have a generous and caring heart simply because you are already filled with His great love. Everything will flow as long as you put Him first. When you feel so fulfilled in His arms, you will not be easily tempted by the riches of this world.

Embrace His love, and you will never be disappointed. The problems and trials that you will encounter can never break you because you learn to embrace God’s presence in everything you do. You will stop chasing for things that will destroy your life in the end. Instead, you will learn to listen to the voice of God, and His joy will be your source of strength.

One Comment

  • Sarah Bello Onyieche

    Thanks for all the messages you have been posting on this Blog, God bless you abundatly.