Seeking help is a Sign of Strength
Asking for help is a sign that you acknowledge your weaknesses and have the will and the heart to receive strength. You are not destined to do everything alone. You must acknowledge that you will need an extra hand in doing some things. You cannot heal yourself just by accepting what happened. You will drown if you do it alone. You need help, and God’s hands are always available. Some people could also offer you some support, so do not withdraw yourself from them. There are hearts out there that God used to be an instrument for you. Do not judge a person yet, but give them the benefit of the doubt.
It is brave enough for you to ask for help. Not everyone wants to ask one because they think it reflects their weakness and vulnerability. But know that acknowledging your weakness and accepting it as a part of you is where being brave starts. Strength is not an absence of your weaknesses. Instead, it is the presence of your will and faith in God. It is about allowing God to enter your life and make the changes just as He planned. It will also show and change your heart to be obedient and to know more about yourself and His love for you. The things that will help you gives you a chance to grow and be more of yourself. Stop pretending to be strong by declining what is in front of you.
Sometimes, when you pray for God’s intervention, He will send some people into your life. They will send people who will teach you lessons that no one else can. Sometimes, when you pray to God to help you become patient, He will send people that will challenge your self-control and enable you to manage your emotions and feelings well. When you pray for wisdom, He will sometimes allow you to be in situations that will enable you to seek advice, good words, and help from people in that area. He will expose you to positions that sometimes make you feel like you are not enough. It could be weird sometimes, but God really works mysteriously. There will be stories and reasons behind your situations, so be still in faith and grow more in His presence. Sometimes, opportunities and gifts are given unwrapped. So do not judge the problem yet, for it may be a way of God helping you.
Always remember, each of us has weaknesses that we protect. But it is also through it that our strength will be revealed. So, do not be afraid to ask for help. Receive it freely, for God prepared it for you. Open your heart to acknowledge that sometimes, you need assistance, and you can always ask for it, for God’s hands are always available. Allow God to show more of Him in your life. Then, you will see things differently. Help is good and an opportunity for you to experience goodness. You are never alone. Always remember that.