Faith,  Relationship

Serving others Require Sacrifices

Jesus called us to serve His people, and it’s not an easy thing to do. Sometimes, you need to fight against your selfish desires so that you can help others. It takes sacrifice and a lot of patience. There will be moments when you will feel tired and exhausted. Serving and loving imperfect people requires a selfless heart, but you can always do it through the help of the Holy Spirit. If you learn to consult Him first before you do anything, you will surely be guided, for He will give you the courage you need.

Let Him remind you of God’s instructions and promises. So that when you feel tired, you will always receive His rest and comfort. If you want to learn how to genuinely serve others, then prepare your heart for the sacrifice that you will make along the way. Sometimes, it takes tears and wounds to love others. But with Christ, everything will be worth it. You may not see the fruits for now, but when the time is right, you will experience a bountiful harvest.

Choose to serve even if sometimes, it hurts. Do it for God and not just for the people around you. Do not focus on the pain. Instead, look at the great blessings that are waiting for you. Keep walking along the path that He prepared, and honor Him through your actions. Let everything you do reflect who your God is. Let His light shine in the darkness. It will not be easy but rely on His great love. Remind yourself of His power and keep in mind the promises He gave you. Claim all of them and keep sowing the right seeds to the people around you.

Don’t do things according to your own effort because you will surely fail. Instead, depend on His grace, and He will sustain you in the end. Let God purify your heart so that you will serve others without expecting them to do the same thing for you. Let your motives be rooted in God’s love, and you will always have the reason to keep going.

Know that your efforts will never be in vain. Every time you choose to serve others and forget about your selfish desires, you are like planting good seeds in the heart of those people you are helping. God will make them grow. One day, it will all bear fruits that will not just bless your life but also the people around them. You will see them grow and prosper in the arms of God, and that wonderful moment is like a treasure that this world can never give.

The seeds that you sow will someday become a blessing to more people. That’s why your sacrifices are worth all the pain and tears. Keep giving yourself away and allow Jesus to live inside. When the time is right, He will bless the works of your hands, and you will flourish in God’s presence. He sees your heart and knows what you are doing behind the scene. He appreciates everything you offer for your brothers and sisters who are in need.

Following God is not that easy. We need to carry our cross and keep moving. But His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. Trust that you can make it through. His hands will keep on holding you. Serving other people means you choose the will of God rather than follow your own plans. It means that you put Him first above all else. And remember that if you seek His Kingdom first, everything will be added unto you. He will bless you even more. He will pour out His favors. So receive them, and you will have enough resources that you can use to serve and help others. You are blessed to become a blessing. Keep sharing what you have, and you will receive more than enough.