Self Development

Set your Priorities

You will not find it hard to set your boundaries if you know your priorities. Your work, family, friends, and above all, God Himself will demand time from you. That’s why you need to determine the things that are truly important in your life so that you can allocate enough resources to them. You will feel so exhausted if you will try to be there for everybody. You need to know your limitations and spend more time with the people that truly matter to you.

At the end of the day, you will always come back to the reason why you are here. When your purpose is clear in your mind, then you will know what and who to put first. Saying “yes” or “no” will no longer be a big deal for you because you know what’s important in your life and choose to focus on the things that will make you grow and become a better person. Remember that growth happens when you are intentional in doing a specific thing. It takes discipline and hard work, but the outcome is always bigger than all the time and effort you exert.

What is the most important aspect of your life? You need to know who and what matters to you the most because that’s how you will be able to determine your priorities. May God be put first above everything else. May you treat Him as the center of your life and the core of your being. Because apart from Him, we are all nothing. Life is so empty without Him. It’s like you are walking in a place where you can’t see any light and hope. So set your eyes on Him and fill your mind with His words. Make Him your number one priority, and blessings will flow. He said in His word that if you seek His Kingdom first, then all things shall be added unto you. Connect to Him every day, and don’t start your daily activities without talking to Him first because He alone will teach you how to manage your resources. He will guide you to the right mindset. And He will prepare your heart for the things that you will encounter. Putting Him first will make your day brighter.

It’s nearly impossible to balance things. You really need to set your priorities. You will not find that very hard to make daily decisions if you know your purpose and the things that matter to you. If you aim to live a balanced life, then know that it’s not an easy thing to do. You can’t treat God and your family as equals. Yes, they are both important, but God should be put first before your family because your relationship with Him matters most at the end of the day. And the good thing about it is that when you put God first, your relationship with other people will also grow and prosper because He will personally teach you how to serve and love others even more. Following God will bless not just your life but also the people around you.

Furthermore, balancing your time with your family and work is also very difficult. You need to decide what to put first. What’s more important? Is it your family or career? Only you know the answer to this question. Remember that you have the right to manage your schedule according to your priorities.

The time that you have is so precious, and you can never take it back. It’s a priceless thing because God alone knows how much time you have left. And the best way to maximize it is to allow your Creator Himself to guide your schedule. Consult Him every day and let Him reveal to you the desires He planted in your heart. There will be moments when you can’t feel His presence, but He is always there with you. Align your priorities to His will, and He will give you the wisdom you need to properly steward the time He gives. In Him, you will learn to live this life with a grateful heart and with a renewed mind.