
Share what you feel

Share what you feel with God
Tell Him the truth
Yes, He knows everything
Talk to Him like He is your friend

Be honest and vulnerable to Him
Don’t filter your thoughts and words
Release them in the presence of God
And He will never judge you

He will comfort that you need
He alone knows how to calm your heart
For He designed and created you
He knows the words that you need

So rest in His arms
And receive His peace
God will never invalidate your feelings
He knows when it all started

So cast all your worries on Him
And choose to surrender
You can’t do it alone
God is waiting for you to reach out

You need His help
And He knocking in your heart now
Just let His love consume your words
And you will slowly see the light

Draw closer to His heart
Connect to His love
You are never alone
God is always listening