Share your pain with God and let Him teach you how to handle it.
After your busy day is done, you would end up in your room alone most of the time. Alone with your thoughts and things that are going on inside your mind. Something that seemed rent-free in your heart is embracing you. Whenever you are alone, you cannot avoid welcoming the thoughts of your mind. Seems like it is adventuring on its own and having a journey of its own. It steps unto your past, which could be smiles or tears. It is not easy to let go of the pain holding you back. Especially when the pain hasn’t met the closure you were looking for. It is hard to forget the pain that has caused you to change yourself.
When you have hard times, you sometimes cope by making yourself busy and filling your mind with work. You keep yourself occupied; that will make you constantly do something to avoid thinking about things that don’t make you feel fine. But did you know that the more you ignore dealing with it, the bigger and heavier it will be? Remember that this life could give you everything, even the things that don’t feel good. Yet, these are also the things that God allows us to think that we need Him. This is the moment wherein you need to learn how to overcome the pain you have.
You can overcome it through God’s help and guidance. Think back to the favor that God has blessed you. Recall the things you have overcome, but this time, ask His hands to guide you. God never leaves you alone. He is always there, wherever you are, waiting for you and watching you. He is always guiding you. God does not always just observe. He sends messages. He sends signs. God talks, and He also listens.
Your pain isn’t for you alone to deal with. You are with Him, and He is with you. Remember that behind the closed doors, within the four walls of your room, He is there with you. Please don’t be too harsh on yourself. Cry out everything to Him. Pour everything to God, and talk to Him. He welcomes your pain. He embraces it with you. Then ask Him for guidance. Let God teach you things. Ask God to reveal what He wants you to know. God does not only answer prayers. Most of the time He teaches you a way of life. God is the greatest teacher. He can teach you things that are beyond any knowledge of this world.
You are in the safest place when you are with Him. He never judges your pain. God loves to hear your voice, and He dearly likes it when you talk to Him about anything. So, welcome Him in your place. Allow Him to get into your heart and make Him known. Remember that He holds unmeasurable wisdom. He created everything, and there is nothing that He cannot do to help you be the person He wants you to be. He loves you even before you get to know Him. So, let God stream in your life. Let Him be the writer of your life.