
Singles, You Will Be Your Children’s Role Model One Day

To all the single people out there, if you think that the things that you are doing right now will not matter in the end, then you are wrong. Your decisions and how you act today will possibly affect your future. Remember that you will be your children’s role model one day, and what you are doing now, may it be right or wrong, will somehow affect them in the future. So before it’s too late, let your actions today guide your future children. May it be a wonderful reminder for them to follow.

Let’s start with your relationship with God. Don’t forget to prioritize God in everything that you do. Be faithful to Him and use your strength to serve Him while you are still young. And everything that you are doing for Him will grow one day. You will learn many things about God, and you can possibly teach those wonderful lessons to your children. Your personal testimony will be a powerful tool for them, especially in terms of their spiritual growth. The lessons from God that you will learn today will be a priceless treasure that you can give to your children.

Learn to honor God in this beautiful season. Include Him in everything, especially in choosing your future spouse. God is the best author ever. He knows how to creatively orchestrate your love story. You just have to give up the pen, and let Him write it for you. Remember that who you will choose today will play a big role in your future family. That person will be your partner in raising up your kids. So pray for someone who can also be a great parent and not just a good spouse. Look on the inside, and don’t settle on the things that you can see.

Make the most of what you have while you are still single. Live a good life, and maximize the gifts and talents that God gave to you. Try new things and aim for breakthroughs. Because everything that you will experience will not just become an inspiring story for your children. But it will serve as their motivation and hope. And one day, by the grace of God, you will be able to testify to your children how wonderful it is to wait on God’s promises because you personally experienced it.