Slow Down, and Choose to Listen
Stop rushing your own timeline. Stop pressuring yourself to immediately achieve your dreams. Slow down and cherish the blessings around you. Open your ears and listen to the voice of God. He is speaking to you right now. He wanted you to enjoy your journey. Stop comparing yourself to others because God created you in a unique and special way. That means He designed a perfect path for you to take. So stop hurrying. You can get there in God’s timing. You just have to wait and be patient. Trust that He is guiding you along the process. Rushing things in life will only lead you to pain and destruction. You still need to learn so many things. So learn to take one step at a time.
You will miss the blessings of God if your eyes are too focus on what you wanted to achieve in life. There’s nothing wrong with setting up a plan because that means you have a clear direction in where you should go, but sometimes, God’s intention is very different from what you have in mind. He let things happen for a reason. He purposely changes some of your plans because He knows that there’s something better for you. And you will fail to appreciate His ways if you keep on looking at the things you never achieved. Try to pause for a while and look at the things that God is doing in your life.
Do not be pressured by time. Remember that God is the creator of this universe. He owns everything, and that includes time. So don’t worry if you are getting older. Know that God can do the impossible things. He can make your dreams happen at any moment. You just need to have faith. Focus on the opportunities in front of you and make the most of the blessings that you received. One way of thanking God is to maximize all the things that He provided for you so that His name will be glorified in your life.
God is speaking to you right now, but you will miss His revelation if you keep on rushing things. Slow down, and learn to seek His presence. Remind yourself of His words so that you will be guided. Open your ears and mind. Take away the negative thoughts so that God can come in and transform your perspective. He is holding your hands right now. You just can’t feel it because you are too occupied with things that don’t please His name.

This is great.
It comforts me. Continue to become a blessing. You may not know that there are many broken people in the world who needs to read it.