
Slow down

There are a lot of things
That you will miss
If you are always in a hurry

If you keep on focusing what you want
You will fail to treasure the simple
Yet wonderful blessings around you

Learn to pause for a while
And be present
Be in the place where God wants you to be

Look harder
See the birds flying in the sky
Feel the wind around you

Try to cherish the people
who made you smile
Open your heart
And be grateful for what you have

You can’t go back to the past
Nor live in the future
Today is the only thing that’s real
And you need to live with what you have

So stop focusing on the future
And do not be tempted to live in the past
Enjoy this life and stop stressing yourself

You may have a lot of desires
But that doesn’t mean
You need to neglect your present
Learn to appreciate the blessings around you

Do not be pressured by your own timeline
Trust in the hands of God
Because He already plotted
Everything in your life

He ordained certain things to happen
That’s why you need to trust
In His perfect timing
Everything that you experienced is not an accident

So trust God 
And surrender your own schedule to Him
Believe in His power

Cherish everyday
As if it’s the last day of your life
Choose to be happy and contented
Because you never will know
What tomorrow brings