Self Development

Someday, You Will Thank God For The Mess

God is moving in ways you can never imagine. Behind the mess you are in is a mysterious blessing that God prepared in the spiritual realm. You won’t see the changes because your eyes are too consumed with what’s happening around you. Perhaps you are having a hard time dealing with your negative emotions. You looked at things according to your own perspective. But remember that God is working. You are not alone in this season. You may feel like you are carrying the burdens alone, but God’s hands are with you all along. The perfect time will come when you look back and thank God for allowing you to experience a life worth living. You will be overwhelmed by how He will put things in the right place.

Be patient while you go through the process. You will always encounter a mess, especially when you are building something. Even when cleaning your house, you need to disarrange things to properly clean the floor and the unseen places. The same goes for your heart. God needs to separate you from others or allow you to experience seasons where you will feel disconnected. Things won’t make sense, and you will be overwhelmed by the chaotic situation that you are in. But you must believe with all your heart that God is doing something behind the scenes. In these challenging moments, you must actively remind yourself that God loves you and is preparing the best future for you.

Don’t worry about what will happen tomorrow. You may feel scared because things are so unpredictable, but trust that everything has a purpose in the hands of God. He will use your pain. He will maximize the lessons that you learned. He will never waste your tears. So, hold on. If your heart is too tired to trust again, remember that God is not like humans. He will never fail. His promises are true. His steadfast love will never stop. It means that God will take good care of you. His grace will surely sustain you, even on days when you can’t feel His presence.

You will someday appreciate the twists and turns, the problems and unexpected situations. God is the best author. He sees the beginning, and if you allow Him, He will help you write the ending. Someday, you will learn to value the challenges that you encountered. You will realize that the lessons you learned behind all your tears were like treasures that led you to increase your faith. Soon, you will look back and appreciate the way God crafted your testimony.

One Comment

  • Rival Elle

    It takes a while to fully understand, but choosing to just praise God and letting Him do what He has to do is a step closer to His plans.