Self Development

Sometimes, Deep Wounds Come From Higher Expectations

Try to check your expectations in life. Evaluate your thoughts about a certain person. Because sometimes, your high expectations will only lead you to greater pain. When we try to create unrealistic standards in our minds, we tend to forget that people are not perfect. Whether you like it or not, we all have flaws and mistakes. So try to give yourself the chance to learn. Give some room for growth. Remember that it will only happen when you allow yourself and other people to commit mistakes and change their actions. If you don’t know how to do it, then you can always ask God’s help.  He will teach you how to genuinely love others.

Stop expecting too much from others. You need to put in your mind that nobody is perfect. Yes, you can set your standards but try to manage them and also consider their weaknesses. You need to know how to properly deal with them without giving them too much pressure. If you see their potential, then choose to empower them by simply reminding them about who they are in the eyes of God. And if they fail along the way, please try to understand them and choose to walk with them along the process. You will never appreciate someone’s growth if you are only after the results. Try to walk along the journey with them, and you will feel so grateful the moment you see them growing.

Submit all your expectations to God. Tell Him about what you think and ask Him if it’s wrong or not. Read His word, and you will learn a lot of things. He will teach you what to do. Just let Him move and stop relying on your own understanding. Sometimes, we tend to expect others to do the things that only God can do. So before you try to set some standards or expectations. Always choose to consult God and learn to ask for some advice. Remember that God has a purpose why He sends people in your life, and some of them can greatly help you if you will only try to reach out and ask their opinions.

Let God change the way you see things. Your expectations come from your perspective in life. That’s why allow God to intervene and change the things that are not good for you. Depend on God and choose to do things according to His love. Life may not always give you what you want, but as long as you have God, you always be guided about the right thing to do. One way to protect yourself from pain is to simply surrender all your expectations to God and let Him do His thing.