Sometimes, Fear Exists Because We Keep On Thinking About The Negative Things
You can control the things that are going on in your mind. If you think that you can’t help but worry about your future, then always remember that God gave you the freedom to make choices. When you keep on entertaining the negative thoughts, you will find yourself so consumed with fear. Instead of listening to the lies of the enemy, fill your mind with a Heavenly perspective so that you will never forget the promises of God in your life. Remind yourself that you can always trust in His faithfulness. Focus on the things that you can control and stop trying to change the situation around you. The best thing that you can do is to keep your faith in God.
Do not rely on your own understanding. Sometimes, you feel so weak because you keep on thinking about the worst thing that might happen. You tend to focus on your own knowledge and skills. Try to consult God and be secured in His arms. Rely on His power and goodness. Do the best that you can, and learn to surrender the things that are out of your control. Let Him perform miracles in your life. Live with what you have and know that God will take good care of you. You will find yourself so exhausted if you keep on worrying about the future. Just cherish what you have right now, and remember that God will never leave you nor forsake you.
Remind yourself about the goodness of God. Recall those moments when He rescued you from difficult situations in life. Know that God will never change. He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. If He could perform great things in your life before, then He will do the same thing in your present situation. Just keep your eyes on His power and know that He will always be with you. Fill your mind with His promises. Stop looking at the things that will just create fear inside.
Receive His love, and He will take away the fear you feel inside. Let His presence move in your life. Acknowledge Him in everything that you do. Remember that the God who created this universe will always keep you safe. Pray that He will increase your faith so that you will learn to believe in Him even if you can’t see anything yet. The negative thoughts will lead you to create bad decisions. So fix your eyes on God, and you will always be guided.

I Love This Message.
I thank God for forgiving my sins… He is forever faithful 🙏🙏